
  • In November, the ranking of mentions is dominated by the EU, followed by Israel and Ukraine. Quite close to the top three are France, and behind it, Germany. What stands out is the decrease in the number of mentions (compared to the previous month) for the vast majority of actors included in the analysis. An exception is Germany, which records increases in this indicator, and France, which remains relatively constant (strictly quantitatively, France also has a slight decrease in mentions).
  • In the top of the views, the EU is also in the first position. In second place, for the first time, is Germany, which records the most significant growth. It is followed by Israel. Compared to October, the general trend is a decrease in the number of views. The only exception is Germany, which has an increase in this indicator.
  • The majority of considered actors are still mentioned more on social media than in the online press. China stands out in this category, for which the number of mentions in social media is close to that in the online press. The actors with more mentions in the online press include Ukraine, Great Britain, and NATO, with the latter two not showing a significant difference in mentions compared to social media.
  • In terms of the impact of mentions, for most of the actors considered, online press generates the most views. However, China stands out with an almost equal number of views on social networks and online press. Also noteworthy is the case of Germany, which technically has more views on social media, but the difference compared to online press is not very significant.
  • The dominant themes of November, which provided contexts for mentions, are the war in Ukraine, the conflict in the Middle East, and the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship. Other topics, of a more specific nature, include the enlargement of the EU and the acquisition of anti-Covid vaccines (EU), the case of Cătălin Cherecheș (Germany and the United Kingdom), bilateral relations (USA, China, the United Kingdom), or the COP 28 climate summit (Russia).

The full study (in Romanian) is available here