
  • The top of mentions is dominated by Ukraine, followed by Russia, the EU and the USA. Compared to the average of 2022, there is a decrease in mentions for NATO. Israel remains in the last position.
  • When it comes to views (impact of mentions), Ukraine is also in the first position. Russia and the USA are in the second, respectively the third place. Here too, NATO is down compared to last year’s average. It is also noteworthy that China has a median position in the top of views, although it has a relatively small number of mentions.
  • For the vast majority of actors considered, the most mentions are on social networks. The exception is Great Britain with balanced mentions, both on social networks and in the online press. In terms of the impact of mentions, in most cases, social networks rank above the online press. Exceptions are the EU, the USA and the UK, with a greater impact of mentions in the online press.
  • The war in Ukraine remains a dominant topic, most of the actors considered being mentioned in this context. However, there are also particular situations, such as: the EU, mentioned in association with the solidarity tax for energy companies or with the expansion of the list of insects authorized as human food; France, with mentions associated with domestic policy issues; NATO, mentioned in the context of the enlargement of the organization; Israel, with mentions related to the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

The full study (in Romanian) is available here