
  • The ranking by mentions and by their impact is dominated by the EU, Great Britain and the US. Developments in the coronavirus crisis, but especially Brexit largely explain the EU’s and the UK’s position at the top.
  • Compared to the previous month, most measured actors have registered increases in the number of mentions, except for Israel, which remains relatively constant, and the US and NATO, which decrease.
  • Compared to November, the only actors that are declining in regard to the number of views (impact of mentions) are the US and NATO. All the others increase, with significant values for Great Britain and China. China has a relatively small number of mentions, but their impact is large enough to climb two positions and outperform France and Russia.
  • There are more mentions and a higher impact in the online media, as compared to the social networks. The exceptions are China, with a lower number of mentions on social networks compared to the online press, but with a greater impact of the mentions on social media compared to the online press, and Israel, with a reverse ratio: social media is above the online press as number of mentions, but their impact is greater in the online press.
  • Although there are particular topics that generate mentions, the vast majority of the measured items still appear, in online media and on social media in Romania, in association with the coronavirus pandemic.

The full study (in Romanian) is available here